(Četvorno šopsko horo)


Snošti si Rada pristana, mŭri,
na edno momče dalečno.
Tri denja pŭtja vŭrvjali, mŭri,
na četvŭrtija stignali.
Last night Rada eloped
with a boy living far away.
Three days they were on the road,
on the fourth day they arrived.
Kači se Rada, Rado ljo, mŭri,
na visokite čerdaci.
da vidi Rada majka si, mŭri,
majka si ošte tatko si.
Rada climbed up
to the high balcony
to see her mother,
her mother and her father.
Ne vidja Rada majka si, mŭri,
majka si, ošte tatko si.
Naj vidja beli gŭlŭbi, mŭri,
beli gŭlŭbi fŭrčaha.
Rada did not see her mother,
her mother and her father.
All she saw were white doves,
white doves flying.
Rada gŭlŭbi dumaše, mŭri:
\Gŭlŭbi, kato fŭrčite,
ne vidjahte li majka mi, mŭri,
majka mi, ošte tatko mi?"
Rada said to the doves:
\Doves, as you fly,
have you not seen my mother,
my mother and my father?"
Gŭlŭbi Rada dumaha, mŭri,
\Rado ljo, bela Rado ljo,
kato fŭrčahme vidjahme, mŭri,
majka ti, ošte tatko ti.
The doves said to Rada,
\Rada, fair Rada,
as we were flying we saw
your mother and your father.
Majka ti dvori meteše, mŭri,
za tebe, Rado, plačeše.
Tatko ti na stol sedeše, mŭri,
červeno vino piješe."
Your mother was sweeping the courtyard.
She was crying for you, Rada.
Your father was sitting at the table.
He was drinking red wine."

Source : MIT Folk Dance Club.